Whitsunday Islands (Australia)

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Whitsunday Islands

Airlie Beach is an important place to book an excursion with a sailboat to the Whitsunday Islands. There’re packages for two and three days. The boat, meals and length of the trip affects the price. A cheap boat is Siska and with 20 other passengers, a two-day tour is made. During the trip, the possibility is offered to make an introduction dive at the Great Barrier Reef for about EUR 60,-. This was for sure one of my highlights of my trip to Australia. There are worse places to make your first dive.

The second day has a short hike and a visit to Whitehaven Beach. There’s a beautiful panoramic view on Whitehaven Beach and there’s an opportunity to swim with lemon sharks, which are harmless. During the season of the jellyfish a stinger suit is an absolute must to protect against very poisonous jellyfish like Irukandji. A stinger suit protects also excellent against a sunburn.

After the visit to Whitehaven Beach the two-day tour will go back to Airlie Beach.