Dead Sea (Jordan)

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Dead Sea

After Aqaba the visit of Jordan ends with floating in the Dead Sea. This area is situated more than 400 meters below sea level and drops every year about a meter more. During the trip from Aqaba to the Dead Sea and afterwards to Amman a lot of checkpoints will be passed because the road is next to the Israeli border. These places are well guarded so the best place of your camera is at this time your bag.

Swimming in the Dead Sea looks on photos more comfortable then it really is. At the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea there are a lot of rocks with salt crystals in the water. You’ve to take care of not hurting yourself at the sharp rocks or bruise your ankles. Floating in the water is a relaxed experience and the mud you can use to give your skin a special treatment. The result of the mud is a soft skin afterwards.