Islas Solentiname (Nicaragua)

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Islas Solentiname

Every day a boat goes to Islas Solentiname. There’re two islands which are worth considering to stay. They’re Isla San Fernando and Isla Mancarrón. The last one is the biggest one and has a lot of birds. The first one looks nicer in the aspect of the coastline. On the Islas is no Wifi or ATM (in 2018). So you can read a lot of books, walk around or book a tour by boat. The last thing I did for roughly half a day. Be prepared that you might have to cover the whole boat by yourself and that will cost you USD 100,- half a day and about USD 160,- a full day. Accommodation is cheap and can cost about USD 10,- a night including breakfast. There’re no restaurants so you’ll have to arrange your dinners with the accommodation. Lunch and dinner are about USD 5,- each.

Half a day and a two nights stay is enough to see some islands, a lot of birds and buy some souvenirs. The boat back to San Carlos leaves at 9 A.M. from Isla Mancarrón.

One of the traditional islands which you can visit by boat from Mancarrón.
Panoramic view on San Fernando Island.
Birds on Islas Solentiname.