Salar Uyuni (Bolivia)

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Salar Uyuni

Salar Uyuni is one of the most well-known sights in Bolivia. On circa 3.600 meters are the biggest salt plains in the world located. These salt plains can be seen in a three-day tour by jeep. All the next places will be visited during the three-day tour. Departure is from San Pedro de Atacama in Chile / Uyuni in Bolivia. If departed from Chile it’s possible to take a late afternoon bus to Potosi which is at a travel distance of 4 hours. This is recommended because after the tour Uyuni doesn’t have to offer a lot anymore.

Departure to Salar Uyuni is early in the morning which gives the opportunity to see an amazing sunset. You’re very lucky when it rains a couple of days before your visit because then a mirror effect appears. After sunset it’s time for breakfast and a visit to cactus island Incahuasi. There are hiking opportunities to the summit and enjoy a panoramic view of the salt plains.

In the afternoon a stop will be made on the salt plains to make some trick photos. A three-day tour to Uyuni from Chile ends with a visit to the Train Cemertery just outside Uyuni.