Copacabana and Isla del Sol


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Copacabana and Isla del Sol

Copacabana is situated next to Lake Titicaca and is the point of departure for the boat to Isla del Sol. Apart from the main touristic street with some restaurants, hostels and a harbor Copacabana doesn’t have to offer a lot. The view from Lake Titicaca on Copacabana is worth it and included in a boat trip to Isla del Sol.

De toeristische straat in Copacabana.
Uitzicht vanaf Lake Titicaca op Copacabana.

From Copacabana, it’s slightly over half an hour by boat to Isla del Sol. On the island, there are sufficient places to stay overnight. Next to that, there are some hiking options as well. It is possible to have accommodation with a panoramic view over Lake Titicaca. I  had booked an organized excursion from Puno but that is certainly not needed. This can be arranged on the spot. Two days on an excursion from Puno are quite short to keep in mind also the border formalities. It’s better to book it from La Paz or take a little bit more time.

Het dorpje Yumani op Isla del Sol.