Bohinj (Slovenia)

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Bohinj is located about half an hour by public bus from Bled. In case if you want to visit this area and use public transport one of the best places to stay is Bohinjska Bistrica. This place is slightly bigger than the other villages around the lake. It offers cheaper accommodation and is well-connected with a free public bus during summer. From Bohinjska Bistrica to Lake Bohinj is about 7 kilometres and from the lake, you can go to Triglav National Park or take a cable car to Mount Vogel. In Triglav, an easy walk is the Mostnica Gorge Hike. On Mount Vogel in general, hikes are more demanding because of the steep slopes so watch carefully at the maps.

Bohinj is located in a valley and you have to take a public bus back in the direction of Ljubljana to leave it. This is a direct connection