Sibiu (Romania)

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Things to do in Sibiu

Sibiu is one of the larger cities in Romania with a well-preserved old town which invites to stay at least a couple of nights. Apart from the historic buildings, the city has a good choice of restaurants and cafés. Piata Mare is the central square and around it, there are atmospheric streets and allies. Turnul Sfatului offers a panoramic view of the city but the Lutheran Evangelical Cathedral and its tower is in my opinion your best option.

The city has still a part of its historic city wall and churches. You just have to walk around, enter and enjoy your time.


From Sibiu, it is about 1,5 hours to Alba Iulia driving time by bus. The old historic fortress is an excellent day tour. Other connections are Sighișoara, Brașov, and Bucharest. These last three have a train connection which is the most comfortable option to get there.