Transnistria (Moldova)

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From Chișinău worth considering is a day trip to the independent republic of Transnistria. Transnistria is a country within a country. It is an independent state in Moldova with its own leader and government. This state is recognized by no other country in the world, except Russia. In Transnistria, you have to pay with their own currency the Transnistria Rouble. Only local availability, OANDA doesn’t recognize the currency.

At the “official” border of Transnistria, everyone will be registered. As a tourist, a permit for 10 hours stay will be given. If you want to stay longer you’ll have to register yourself in the capital Tiraspol at a local police station.

This capital has a special atmosphere with a monument and a tank which remember the civil war at the beginning of the nineties. Next to that, there is some Sovjet architecture and only a few advertisements. The last thing is one of the advantages of communism.

Besides Tiraspol, there is another city which can be visited during a day trip: Bendery. Tiraspol and Bendery are connected by trolleybus. In Bendery, you can have a look at the local market, which is the most interesting sight of the city. There is also a fortress, but when I have visited Transnistria this was a no-go area. The fortress is near a checkpoint that was used by soldiers. The local market is within walking distance from the bus terminal from where you can take a bus back to Chisinau.