Snæfellsnes (Iceland)

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Snæfellsnes is a peninsula in the western part of Iceland which offers different sights during a tour which is organized from Reykjavik. This part offers as highlights the cliffs and lava formations of Lóndrangar. At this place, you can hike a little around. Nearby these formations is the black beach of Djúpalónssandur. During this tour, you will pass amazing and desolate landscapes. The tour ends at the mountain of Kirkjufell and the waterfall. The last one is a landmark in Iceland. In winter it is possible to see most sights with quite some daylight. Kirkjufell you will visit at the end of the afternoon and it is already getting a little dark. From Reykjavik, this is quite a long day trip so consider taking your own transport and stay somewhere in between.