
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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Sarajevo is a place to stay at least three nights. Best way to travel is early in the morning by train from Mostar which takes about 3,5 hours through the mountains. Sarajevo has an atmospheric old centre with many small shops and has an oriental appearance. It’s a little bit Istanbul light, same good cuisine, baklava, Turkish coffee and water pipe. Fewer tourists and luckily no attacks. After the war, Sarajevo is a very safe place to visit and at some places remains of the war are still visible.

A stay in Sarajevo isn’t complete without a tour to the Tunnel museum and Sniper alley and both sights can be combined with a stop at the Olympic stadium. The Tunnel Museum is about the siege on the airport and Sarajevo.

Apart from the war in the nineties, Sarajevo is also known as the places where the First World War has been started. A plate in the historical centre indicates where the assassination on Franz Ferdinand has taken place.