Gjirokaster (Albania)

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Gjirokaster is the birthplace of former dictator Hoxha. The man was in charge as president of Albania from 1944 t/m 1985. Until 1991 Albania was communistic and one of the most isolated countries in the world. People were for example not allowed to have a car a practising religion was also forbidden. Atheism was one of the pillars of society. Apart from these ideas on of Hoxha’s inheritances were 700.000 bunkers which were built during his 40 years of leadership. The country was at least well prepared for the Cold War. Gjirokaster offers an old town, a castle and stay is complete with a visit to the former house where Hoxha was born. The old town is atmospheric but small. The castle was when I was there quite but from the hill, there’s a grandiose view over the city and the surrounding mountains.

A very good and restaurant and the best I had in Albania was Kujtimi, which offers local Albanian cuisine.