Tozeur (Tunisia)

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Things to do in Tozeur

Tozeur is a city in southwest Tunesia and the perfect spot when you want to make an excursion to the desert. It is fairly easy and cheap to arrange a Landcruiser and a driver here. It was about EUR 45,- car and driver in 2019. During the excursion, you will visit the oasis of Chebika. At this place, you can hike through the oasis and climb the mountains which offer a panoramic view of the surrounding areas.

The next stop is the waterfall of Tamerza which is next to the Algerian border. In my opinion, is the road to the waterfall more impressive than the waterfall. The travel advice in 2019 was “impressive” as well but I found out when I was there that this was just a couple of kilometres more to the border. No problems or soldiers but check beforehand.

The last stop will be the place which was a film set for Star Wars which is located in the middle of the desert on your way back to Tozeur. Star Wars is not my thing but the road to it makes is a nice detour.

Tozeur itself is well-known for its traditional architecture in the old town which can be combined with a visit to the local oasis and the market. Half a day is enough and the old town was during my visit a little bit too quiet and not the most comfortable place in some areas.

In an aspect of food, this is the place in Tunisia where you can enjoy apart from the normal grilled meat also camel with your dinner. So camel steak and couscous with camel. Give it a try, it is delicious.


There are different options to Tozeur by public transport. You can take a minibus (louage) form Sfax or Kairouan. For both cities, you need to change your bus in Gafsa.